Staying away from the ‘news’
Why is society full of negative vibrations or hate?
Did you ever wonder why if you turn on the so called “news”, its 99.8% negative that will just make your day go from good to worse when you listen to it? Don’t let it lose faith in humanity.
Its like the vibrational mind of our planet always wants to focus on the lack, pity, disparity, the complaining condemning and criticizing, the scarcity, dearth, inadequacy, insufficiency, deficiency, unsatisfactory
I want to be aware of the good too. Where’s the good news at? Fill up on good vibrations like the funky bunch suggests.
I suggest to wash your brain with positive reading. Check out the ‘self-help’ section in your local book store. Although I hate that name, there’s some good stuff in there. Check out books that help you dream and expand your consciousness. Books like “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill, or “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz, or “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki, to name but a few.